Where your marriage matters
MERCI has been established to help couples discover God's design for healthy and enduring marriages.
Upcoming events
Consider your attitude—fostering a positive one at home can create a peaceful and joyful atmosphere for your marriage. A positive attitude helps eliminate criticisms, blame, and conflicts, encouraging a habit of uplifting each other. Join Bob and Carol Esham in this free workshop on April 25.
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Couples Bible Study
In today's busy world, couples often participate in separate groups. This summer, join our couples' Bible study to spend quality time together, grow closer to God, and strengthen your bond. We'll delve into the book of Titus on Wednesdays, May 14 - July 2.
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Marriage Expectations
Many enter marriage with expectations shaped by family, TV, social media, and so on. When reality doesn't meet these expectations, problems can arise. Join Ryan and Brittany Naville in this workshop as they share how they bridged the gap between reality and expectations.
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How it all began
What is MERCI?
Couples often wait until their marriage is in shambles before they’ll seek help. Marriage Education Resource Center, Indiana (MERCI) has ongoing marriage enrichment studies, workshops and mentoring programs that will encourage husbands and wives to maintain a loving and respectful relationship.
Biblically-based marriage studies are offered utilizing various formats - live teaching, table discussions, couple projects and/or marriages videos from renowned Christian speakers and authors; free monthly workshops are held with invited guest speakers presenting a variety of topics - communication, conflict resolution, sexual intimacy, parenting, blended families and addressing other challenges common to most couples.
Couples in crisis are encouraged to attend any of the these programs. However, MERCI also utilizes an assessment and mentoring program, PREPARE-ENRICH. Facilitated by experienced married mentors, certified in this program, couples will meet for 8 weeks with the goal of returning to the oneness they once enjoyed. Using a variety of trusted principles and tools, couples will re-engage with better communication and conflict resolution skills in all areas of their marriage.
Learn more about what we believe in our Statement of Faith.
Take Action
Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause, or participate yourself.